Arts & Crafts

Paper Flowers Craft

  1. Start out with a piece of square paper.
  2. Fold the paper diagonally into a triangle.
  3. Fold this in half into another, smaller triangle.
  4. Fold this in half one more time into another, even smaller triangle.
  5. With the long side on the bottom, fold the top of the triangle along the long side.
  6. Cut across the line of the triangle you just made.
  7. Draw a curved line along the straight side of the triangle.
  8. Cut along this line.
  9. Unfold the paper and decorate your flower however you wish!

Fairy House Craftfairy-garden-house-redo-vertical

Grab a small container or cardboard box and fill it with some things that fairies love – soil, moss, bark, twigs, and maybe even some dandelions or clovers – before using some popsicle sticks to build your fairy a house! Decorate this however you'd like with trinkets like buttons, marbles, pipe cleaners, and more for your fairy to enjoy!

Pet RocksAdobeStock_519224429

Grab a rock from your garden, glue, some googly eyes, and decorations like paint, pipe cleaners, feathers, or yarn to create your pet rock – and don't forget to name it!